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Sudhir Mangla

Sudhir Mangla

Director of Technology with 22+ years of experience specializing in software design, architecture, .NET technologies, microservices, enterprise applications, and clean code principles. Empowering developers through Developers Voice.

Clean Code: Best Practices Every Software Architect Should Master

Clean Code: Best Practices Every Software Architect Should Master

As a software architect or developer, have you ever stared at a screen filled with code, only to feel overwhelmed by its complexity? Have you ever questioned if your code could be simpler, clearer, or

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Public Cloud Architecture: A Deep Dive for Software Architects

Public Cloud Architecture: A Deep Dive for Software Architects

Wait, another cloud article? Hold on—this one’s different!You’re a seasoned software architect. You know cloud computing isn't exactly breaking news. But have you really mastered the ins and out

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GitHub Copilot: Your AI Pair Programmer

GitHub Copilot: Your AI Pair Programmer

Imagine having a coding buddy who's always available, never gets tired, and can help you write code faster and more efficiently. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, meet GitHub Copilot—a revolutionary A

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Event-Driven Architecture for Beginners: .NET and C# Examples

Event-Driven Architecture for Beginners: .NET and C# Examples

So, you've heard about Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), and now you're probably wondering—what's all the fuss about? Maybe you've been coding away in C# and .NET, building traditional apps, but

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SOLID Design Principles: A Beginner’s Guide to Clean Software Architecture

SOLID Design Principles: A Beginner’s Guide to Clean Software Architecture

Introduction: What's the Deal with SOLID, Anyway? Have you ever found yourself swimming through layers of tangled code, desperately trying to patch up your application, only to see it fall a

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Software Design Principles (Basics) : DRY, YAGNI, KISS, etc

Software Design Principles (Basics) : DRY, YAGNI, KISS, etc

As a software architect beginning your journey with Microsoft technologies—especially C# and .NET—you're probably already realizing that building software isn't just about writing code; it’s about wri

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Layered Architecture Explained: Building Rock-Solid .NET Applications

Layered Architecture Explained: Building Rock-Solid .NET Applications

Introduction: Layers? Why Should I Care? Ever eaten a tasty lasagna? Sure, you have! It has layers—cheese, sauce, pasta—and each layer has its own delicious job. Software architecture isn't much

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Microservices Everything you Need to Know as Beginner

Microservices Everything you Need to Know as Beginner

Ever feel overwhelmed by a huge, tightly-coupled codebase that breaks every time you touch it? Ever wished you could just pick a single piece, tweak it, and redeploy it without bringing down the entir

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Cloud-Native Architecture: Mastering The Twelve-Factor Application (+ 3 Bonus Factors!)

Cloud-Native Architecture: Mastering The Twelve-Factor Application (+ 3 Bonus Factors!)

Ever felt your app was stuck in the past, chained to legacy servers, difficult deployments, and painful maintenance? You're not alone. Welcome to the exciting world of cloud-native architecture—th

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Mastering the Singleton Design Pattern in C#

Mastering the Singleton Design Pattern in C#

Mastering the Singleton Design Pattern in C# Hey there, fellow coder! Ever found yourself in a situation where you needed a class to have just one instance throughout your application? Enter the

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Mastering the Builder Design Pattern in C# — Simplifying Complex Object Construction!

Mastering the Builder Design Pattern in C# — Simplifying Complex Object Construction!

Ever felt overwhelmed by complex object construction? Ever found yourself lost in a maze of overloaded constructors? Or worse—ending up with code so messy it makes spaghetti jealous? If yes, then you'

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Mastering the Factory Method Pattern in C#

Mastering the Factory Method Pattern in C#

Hey there, architect! Ever felt like your code is starting to resemble a spaghetti bowl? 🍝 Ever been stuck modifying a system, desperately wishing you had the flexibility to swap out components witho

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Mastering the Prototype Design Pattern in C#: Cloning Your Way to Cleaner Code

Mastering the Prototype Design Pattern in C#: Cloning Your Way to Cleaner Code

Ever had that moment where you wished you could just make a quick copy of an object without dealing with its messy initialization logic all over again? Yeah, me too. That's exactly where the **Prototy

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Mastering the Object Pool Design Pattern in C#: Boost Your Application’s Performance

Mastering the Object Pool Design Pattern in C#: Boost Your Application’s Performance

Have you ever faced a situation where creating new objects repeatedly turned your shiny, fast application into a sluggish turtle? Creating objects can be expensive—especially when dealing with resourc

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Understanding the RAII Design Pattern: A Deep Dive for Software Architects (with C# Examples!)

Understanding the RAII Design Pattern: A Deep Dive for Software Architects (with C# Examples!)

Have you ever found yourself chasing after unmanaged resources—like files, database connections, or network sockets—that stubbornly refuse to release themselves properly? Ever wish your objects could

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Multiton Design Pattern in C#: Unlocking the Power of Controlled Instances!

Multiton Design Pattern in C#: Unlocking the Power of Controlled Instances!

Hey there! Ever felt like the Singleton pattern is awesome, but wished you could have a few more instances—just not unlimited? Like having a limited edition collectible—special enough that it’s rare,

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Lazy Initialization Design Pattern: Don't Work Harder—Work Lazier!

Lazy Initialization Design Pattern: Don't Work Harder—Work Lazier!

Hey there, software architects! Ever felt like you're doing more work than you should? What if I told you sometimes the best coding practice is to actually delay the work until absolutely necessar

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Dependency Injection Design Pattern: Your Ultimate Guide (with C# Examples)

Dependency Injection Design Pattern: Your Ultimate Guide (with C# Examples)

Ever felt your software code is like spaghetti—hard to untangle, messy, and frustratingly intertwined? Ever wondered if there’s a cleaner way to organize your dependencies so you don't lose your sanit

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